
The Heuristics Settings component collects useful setup information regarding the system Heuristics: rules and criteria.


When the Heuristics Mode Selector is in Field mode, the cH parameter is ignored.




receiver selection mode

Receiver Object selection mode chooses among the available receiver objects with the following presets:

0 - Random - choose one receiver at random

1 - Scalar Field nearest - choose the receiver closest to the scalar field threshold value zone, sampling the nearest Field point

2 - Scalar Field interpolated - choose the receiver closest to the scalar field threshold value zone, averaging the scalar value of the Field point contained in a search radius (internally defined by the Field itself)

3 - Dense Packing - choose the receiver with minimum sum of connected objects weights

rule selection mode

Rule selection mode picks the winning rule corresponding to a candidate sender object with the following presets:

0 - Random - choose one receiver at random

1 - Scalar field nearest - choose the sender closest to the scalar filed threshold value zone, sampling the nearest Field point

2 - Scalar Field interpolated*- choose the sender closest to the scalar field threshold value zone, averaging the scalar value of the Field point contained in a search radius (internally defined by the Field itself)*

3 - Vector field > nearest - choose the sender whose direction vector has the smallest angle with the vector field sampled at the nearest Field point, > means “monodirectional”, the direction depends on the arrow position (180° is the highest possible angle between vectors)

4 - Vector Field > interpolated - choose the sender whose direction vector has the smallest angle with the vector field averaging the Field point vectors contained in a search radius (internally defined by the Field itself), > means “monodirectional”, the direction of the arrow matters (180° is the highest possible angle between vectors)

5 - Vector field <> nearest - just like 3, but <> means “bidirectional”, the direction does not depend on the arrow position (90° is the highest possible angle between vectors)

6 - Vector Field <> interpolated - just like 4, but <> means “bidirectional”, the direction does not depend on the arrow position (90° is the highest possible angle between vectors)

7 - Minimum local AABB volume - choose the sender whose AABB (Axis-Aligned Bounding Box), aligned with the global XYZ coordinate system and including itself and the receiver, has the minimum volume

8 - Minimum local AABB diagonal - just like 7, but measuring the minimum diagonal instead of the volume

9 - Weighed Random Choice - this mode is like a weighed dice. Rules with the highest integer Weight have more probability to be chosen. See the Weights part