Since this is a sensitive topic, I thought it deserved a page of its own and a more thorough explanation.

A Field iWeights (integer Weights) are integer numbers, assigned to each Field point via the Populate Field component.

To use iWeights:

** this is not really a requirement, however it makes no sense to use iWeights with a Heuristic Set composed of a single list of rules*

During an assemblage with Heuristics Mode set to “Field driven”, iWeights are used to pick from the Heuristics Set the subset of rules that the Assemblage chooses from.

The Heuristics set must be arranged as a tree (each branch containing a subset - a list of rules), and the iWeight represents the branch index to use in the related Field point’s neighborhood. When a Receiver is chosen, the set of Heuristics rules to pick candidates from is determined by the iWeight read at the closest Field point from the receiver Reference Plane origin.

The image below shows a Field in which iWeights (0-4) are assigned according to different volumes in space:


Each iWeight represents a branch index of the Heuristics Set.