- N - Name (string) - a unique identifier for a constructed AssemblyObject; there cannot be two or more AssemblyObjects in the same AOSet with the same name.
- M - Collision Mesh - see the Glossary explanation
- P - Reference Plane - the required information for positioning and orienting the object in space.
- D - Direction vector - used to interact with the Vector Field data during the Assemblage. This could have been done using one of the Reference Plane axis, but decoupling this vector from the Reference Plane gives more flexibility to the system.
- H - [as list] one or more Handles
- W - Weight (double) - a feature that can be used in Advanced scripting to enable time-based computation like diffusion, stigmergy, etc.
- AO - the constructed AssemblyObject
- World Z lock - when active (and if the corresponding Check World Z lock option is active in the Assembler Engine) the object will be placed only with its reference Plane Z axis parallel to the World Z axis