The inputs are sorted as follows:
- AOs - AssemblyObjects Set - [as list] unique AssemblyObects composing the set
- AOpa - Previous Assemblage - [as list] preexisting AssemblyObjects, i.e. from an existing Assemblage (optional)
- P - Starting Plane - Starting Plane for the first object in the Assemblage; ignored if preexisting AssemblyObjects are present
- sO - Starting Object Type - Index of starting object from the AO Set; ignored if preexisting AssemblyObjects are present
- go - Run Assemblage continuously until it reaches the targeted max n. of objects
- s - step - Run an Assemblage step executing the specified n. of iterations
- nI - number of Iterations - Number of iterations to execute at each step
- tN - The target max n. of objects allowed in the assemblage; the Assemblage will stop when the total amount of AssemblyObjects reaches or overshoots this amount. For example, if the target is 200 and the Assemblage starts with 1 object and has a number of Iterations of 25, the progression will be 1 > 26 > 51 > 76 > 101 > 126 > 151 > 176 > 201 > stop
- rS - reset Settings - Reset Exogenous and Heuristics settings preserving the Assemblage - this option enables the possibility to grow an Assemblage, change the Exogenous and/or Heuristics Settings, and resume the Assemblage under the new conditions
- R - reset Assemblage - Resets the Assemblage to the initial conditions
- AOa - the Assemblage
- c - counter for number of AssemblyObjects in the Assemblage
- Check World Z Lock - Checks World Z axis orientation for AssemblyObjects with World Z lock enabled - see Construct AssemblyObject