You can start from the custom Engine provided in the example 05-00_base 2 Objects_scripted, to avoid the hassle of setting all required inputs and outputs manually.

<aside> 💡 Remember to associate the Assembler.dll library to your scripting component and then save the Grasshopper file: . right-click on the component body, select Manage Assemblies and locate AssemblerLib.dll on your computer. Unfortunately this operation must be done manually for each computer, since Grasshopper relies on an absolute path to find the library.


<aside> 💡 If you use custom methods for Sender and/or Receiver selection, set the corresponding selection modes (Sender and/or Receiver) in the HeuristicsSettings component to -1

This custom mode is not exposed in the tooltip to avoid misuse from non-expert users



Inside the Engine Scripting Component the structure is the following:

Custom code

Custom additional code

Since the nature of Assembler is iterative, you can add functionalities like iterative analysis (ex. solar, structural, etc.) using external plugins (such as LadyBug, Karamba, etc.) in a couple of ways: