- ME - Environment Meshes - Closed Meshes as environmental objects; Mesh normal direction decides the object type: outwards - obstacle, inward - void. If the right-click menu 'Use Container' option is active, the first Mesh in a non-empty list will be used as a container.
- eM - Environment Mode - option for how Assembler treats environmental objects:
- 0 - ignore environmental objects
- 1 - use objects - container checked for AssemblyObject collision
- 2 - use objects - container checked for AssemblyObject inclusion
- F - Field - a populated Field containing data
- Ft - Field Scalar threshold - Threshold value (in normalized 0-1 range) for scalar Field based criteria
- sB - SandBox - SandBox for focused assemblages (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) - if present, Assemblage will grow only inside the Box
- ES - an internal Assembler class ExogenousSettings, used by the Engine.
- Use Container - when this option is active, the first Mesh in the ME input is considered a container.
The Exogenous Setting component also displays a preview of the environment geometries in wireframe, color coded as follows:
- Black - container
- Light Blue - obstacle
- Brick Red - void