The Display Assemblage Component visualizes the AssemblyObjects in the Assemblage in several ways.
Objects (default mode) - all AO are visualized in white
AO types - color AO by their type
Occupancy - objects color is related to their occupancy status:
<aside> 💡 The Occupancy mode is particularly useful during debugging: if your assemblage stops unexpectedly, check the Occupancy view and see if there are any white objects. If all (or most) objects are light green with no white objects chance is there is no more suitable rule to apply, or you just saturated the environment. In this case, check that you haven’t overconstrained the system, starting from your ruleset, but take a look at your environment settings and geometries as well.
Sequence - blue gradient (black-blue-white) - displays the assemblage history; old components in black, newest in white and blue shades in between
Z value - pink gradient - shows the Z level of each AO, relative to the whole assemblage - outputs normalized values from V
AO Weights - grayscale gradient - AO Weights are not yet used in standard strategies, but they can be exploited via scripting for bespoke uses
Connectedness - heat map (green to red) - amount of connected Handles in each object - outputs normalized values from V
Orientation - faux normal map (X, Y, and Z translated in RGB) showing the direction vector orientation relative to the world coordinate system
Z Orientation - faux normal map (X, Y, and Z translated in RGB) showing the Reference Plane Z axis vector orientation relative to the world coordinate system