- AO - AssemblyObjects - [as Tree] the AssemblyObjects in the Assemblage, branch index is the AO index in the Assemblage, including previous objects
- AOr - [as Tree] Rules used in the Assemblage (string): branch index corresponds to the branch index of the AO placed by the rule. The number of rules (and therefore of branches) is $n_{AO} - n_{pAO}$ (the total count of AO - the number of preexisting AO in the Assemblage)
- rOi - [as Tree] receiver Objects indexes in the Assemblage - each branch contains the branch index of the receiver AO. If branch {5} of this output contains the value 3, it means that the AO in the AO Data Tree at branch {3} is the receiver of the AO in the AO Data Tree at branch {5}. Tree branch index follows the same principle as AOr. Branch number is, again, $n_{AO} - n_{pAO}$
- avO - available Objects - [as list] indexes for AssemblyObjects with available Handles
- unO - unreachable Objects - [as list] indexes for unreachable AssemblyObjects; unreachable objects have free handles but cannot receive other objects; this might be due to their geometric situation (i.e. occluding objects, closeness to environmental geometry) or to Heuristics restrictions (no rules exist in the Heuristics Set that apply to one or more Handles)